Key Scripture: You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mother's womb. Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex! Your workmanship is marvelous -- and how well I know it. -- Psalm 139:13-14
This session emphasizes the importance of recognizing the individuality of each child and how each child in a family is different from the other(s). This speaks to the majesty and wonder of God.
First born children are often groomed for success. They are often leaders who learn to dominate their surroundings because they go unchallenged within the first few years of life. Of the first 23 astronauts in space, 21 were first children. The other two were "only" children.
When the second child is born, it is wise to ease the fears of the firstborn (who is now having to share a world they dominated only days before) by emphasizing everything he/she can do that the new baby can't. And how special it makes the firstborn. It is important to give the first child new "big boy/girl" responsibilities and affirm the older child. This same method can be used throughout their childhood as they become more mature and can take on new responsibilities in the family.
Middle children often dance to the beat of their own drummer and are more likely to be strong-willed and rebellious. They have a tendency to be entrepreneurs and successful business people.
The last born child tends to go through life looking up! He must figure out how to get attention over and above the shenanigans of the older children. He is likely to be the most social of the bunch. Younger children are often great salespeople and comedians who capitalize on their ability to entertain and make people laugh.
It is important not to treat all of your kids the same. Life treats people differently according to where they are in the progression of life -- as parents we should not be afraid to treat our kids differently concerning bed times, allowances, responsibilities, etc...
It is important to point out to children that God has a plan that is specific to each of us. Also, because God created each child differently, we should show absolutely no favoritism to which one happens to be the smartest, best athlete or most attractive, etc...
The following factors can greatly affect birth order:
-Sex of child -- If the second child is a boy, they will often have characteristics of the first born.
-Physical Characteristics -- If younger children are physically taller or bigger that the older, the older child may submit to the leadership of the younger.
-Critical Eye -- Parents with an overly critical eye may wind up with a child that is unreliable, unconscientious, or a slob. Why? Because he is so afraid to be criticized that he never finishes a task in order to avoid the criticism. He goes through life putting himself down.
Our goal is not to raise a perfect kid. We do not want to raise perfectionists, but rather pursuers of excellence. Perfectionism is an illusion -- we are doomed to fail -- but those who pursue excellence have high standards and can pick themselves up when they fall. Ask yourself which one you are -- a pursuer of excellence can handle criticism and is open to suggestions. A perfectionist feels threatened and often lashes out or shuts down when criticized.
Here are some things to know to raise that rock-solid kid:
First born - needs specifics, don't treat them like they are older than they actually are, do not over-correct or micro-manage, don't use "should" phrases -- you should do this, that, etc...
Middle child - need to be listened to! Ask their opinion about anything! Take two-on-one time with them.
Baby of the family - Give them the opportunity to lead in family outings or celebrations. Give them affirmation. Enjoy their unique social skills. Laugh with them and not at them.
Only children - Don't let these kids get too far ahead of themselves since they are often treated like adults by the time they are 7 or 8.
Sunday, March 3, 2013
Recap of Session 5: Caution: Danger Ahead!
Key Scripture: "Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, for man's anger does not bring about the righteous life that God desires." --James 1:19
Dr. Leman says, "I am convinced that improperly expressed anger in the home drives the wedge more deeply between parent-child relationships than any other single factor. And I honestly think it is needless."
When you as a parent begin to feel angry at your child (or spouse!) watch out for these warning signs:
STOP - Think and gather control of yourself. Try to determine what's really going on in the situation so you don't wind up saying or doing something that you'll be sorry about later.
DETOUR - Take an alternate route to get where you're going. Instead of striking out verbally with harsh, threatening words and tone, take another path and look for solutions. This may seem unfamiliar at first, but if you keep moving and stay on course, you will resolve the issue at hand.
CRASH AND BURN - This is when you throw your self-control to the wind and go charging in, saying whatever you please, regardless of the feelings of the child -- attacking, belittling, focusing on character rather than behavior.
Ephesians 4:26-27 tells us that it is okay to be angry but it is not okay to sin because of that anger. We are not to let the sun go down while we are angry. Harboring anger over time allows Satan to get a foothold in our lives.
Why parents get angry: fear of being threatened or losing control. When our kids aren't living up to our expectations, we fear what others might think of us, or we react to fear of being a failure as a parent. Instead, have FAITH: Forsaking All I Trust Him.
Why kids get angry:
Inconsistency in parenting
Modeling (acting out the anger he sees in the family)
Birth Order (feeling less intelligent, physically capable, talented, etc)
Teaching Anger Management to Kids:
1. Responsibility = Choices + Consequences - Every decision is a choice. Unacceptable behavior has consequences (i.e. no TV/devices, time-out, no playdates, etc...)
2. Personal Example (that one speaks for itself)
Dr. Leman says, "I am convinced that improperly expressed anger in the home drives the wedge more deeply between parent-child relationships than any other single factor. And I honestly think it is needless."
When you as a parent begin to feel angry at your child (or spouse!) watch out for these warning signs:
STOP - Think and gather control of yourself. Try to determine what's really going on in the situation so you don't wind up saying or doing something that you'll be sorry about later.
DETOUR - Take an alternate route to get where you're going. Instead of striking out verbally with harsh, threatening words and tone, take another path and look for solutions. This may seem unfamiliar at first, but if you keep moving and stay on course, you will resolve the issue at hand.
CRASH AND BURN - This is when you throw your self-control to the wind and go charging in, saying whatever you please, regardless of the feelings of the child -- attacking, belittling, focusing on character rather than behavior.
Ephesians 4:26-27 tells us that it is okay to be angry but it is not okay to sin because of that anger. We are not to let the sun go down while we are angry. Harboring anger over time allows Satan to get a foothold in our lives.
Why parents get angry: fear of being threatened or losing control. When our kids aren't living up to our expectations, we fear what others might think of us, or we react to fear of being a failure as a parent. Instead, have FAITH: Forsaking All I Trust Him.
Why kids get angry:
Inconsistency in parenting
Modeling (acting out the anger he sees in the family)
Birth Order (feeling less intelligent, physically capable, talented, etc)
Teaching Anger Management to Kids:
1. Responsibility = Choices + Consequences - Every decision is a choice. Unacceptable behavior has consequences (i.e. no TV/devices, time-out, no playdates, etc...)
2. Personal Example (that one speaks for itself)
Sunday, February 17, 2013
Kevin Leman Picture Books for Kids
Dr. Leman referred to a series of picture books that he wrote and his son illustrated about a child's place in the family. Here are some of the titles:
Here is a link if you want to see what those books look like on Amazon:
- My Firstborn, There is No One Like You
- My Middle Child, There is No One Like You
- My Grandchild, There is No One Like You
- My Adopted Child, There is No One Like You
- etc.
Recap of Session 4: Ten Ways to Improve Your Child's Self-Confidence
Key Scripture: The Lord gave me a message. He said, "I knew you before I formed you in your mother's womb. Before you were born I set you apart and appointed you as my spokesman to the world. "O Sovereign Lord!" I said, "I can't speak for you! I am too young!" "Don't say that, " the Lord replied, "for you must go wherever I send you and say whatever I tell you. And don't be afraid of the people, for I will be with you and take care of you. I, the Lord, have spoken!" Jeremiah 1:4-7
Think about that scripture in terms of God appointing you as His spokesman to your children, your insecurity in taking on that role, and His assurance that He will guide you.
1. Bless them (encourage them, show them you are confident in their life's purpose)
2. Teach them to contribute (chores, ideas, etc... and then acknowledge what they've done)
3. Teach them to think, reason and make decisions.
4. Be available to them.
5. Talk to them (Teach them that they can talk to you about anything. And don't overdo your talking to them so that they become bored with you and tune you out. Don't talk just to hear yourself speak.)
6. Teach them to achieve something, be productive, responsible, and get good results (learning to babysit, help with the yard, complete a girl/boy scout project, volunteer in the community)
7. Help them understand that God has a plan and purpose for their life. (As a believer in Christ, they are never walking alone.)
8. Make sure they know you enjoy being around them.
9. Make sure they know that you love your spouse. (If you are single, show that love in your friendships and with other family members.)
10. Believe in them. (Give them space to fail as well as succeed. By allowing them to fail, when appropriate, you show that you still believe in their eventual success.)
ABCs of raising a child:
A: Accept them for who they are.
B: Belong -- make sure they know they belong to your family.
C: Confidence -- give them confidence (see 10 points above!)
Think about that scripture in terms of God appointing you as His spokesman to your children, your insecurity in taking on that role, and His assurance that He will guide you.
1. Bless them (encourage them, show them you are confident in their life's purpose)
2. Teach them to contribute (chores, ideas, etc... and then acknowledge what they've done)
3. Teach them to think, reason and make decisions.
4. Be available to them.
5. Talk to them (Teach them that they can talk to you about anything. And don't overdo your talking to them so that they become bored with you and tune you out. Don't talk just to hear yourself speak.)
6. Teach them to achieve something, be productive, responsible, and get good results (learning to babysit, help with the yard, complete a girl/boy scout project, volunteer in the community)
7. Help them understand that God has a plan and purpose for their life. (As a believer in Christ, they are never walking alone.)
8. Make sure they know you enjoy being around them.
9. Make sure they know that you love your spouse. (If you are single, show that love in your friendships and with other family members.)
10. Believe in them. (Give them space to fail as well as succeed. By allowing them to fail, when appropriate, you show that you still believe in their eventual success.)
ABCs of raising a child:
A: Accept them for who they are.
B: Belong -- make sure they know they belong to your family.
C: Confidence -- give them confidence (see 10 points above!)
Recap of Session 2: How to Listen So Kids Will Talk and Talk So Kids Will Listen
Key Scripture: Let everything you say be good and helpful, so that your words will be an encouragement to those that hear them. Ephesians 4:29
1. Talk to your kids -- a lot! About anything! Especially about the things they are interested in.
2. Learn the difference between responding and reacting.
Positive responses:
4. Let your communication be non-threatening (A threatening tone shone shows your insecurity, frustration and uncertainty. Non-threatening tone shows you are comfortable with your position of authority).
5. Speak more in statements rather than questions. (Questions often suggest a hierarchy. Instead of "How did you do on your test?" you could say "I bet that test was tough today."
6. Have a "Yes" face.
7. Collaborate and exchange ideas and observations.
8. Always project an "I am open to you" attitude.
Stay tuned into them so they don't tune you out!
1. Talk to your kids -- a lot! About anything! Especially about the things they are interested in.
2. Learn the difference between responding and reacting.
Positive responses:
- I'm open to that.
- That's an interesting idea.
- That has possibilities.
- You're doing some good thinking.
- Sounds like you've given this a lot of thought
- Let's look at some more options.
- I'm sure you've got some good reasons for thinking that way.
- Many, many more in the chapter for this session
- Be quiet and listen!
- No! No! No!
- It won't work!
- I don't want to hear any more about this!
- Do you ever learn?
- I told you so!
- Many, many more in the chapter for this session
4. Let your communication be non-threatening (A threatening tone shone shows your insecurity, frustration and uncertainty. Non-threatening tone shows you are comfortable with your position of authority).
5. Speak more in statements rather than questions. (Questions often suggest a hierarchy. Instead of "How did you do on your test?" you could say "I bet that test was tough today."
6. Have a "Yes" face.
7. Collaborate and exchange ideas and observations.
8. Always project an "I am open to you" attitude.
Stay tuned into them so they don't tune you out!
Recap of Session 1: The Ten Best Gifts You'll Ever Give Your Kids
Key Scripture: Train UP a child in the way HE should go; and when he is old, he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6
Dr. Leman emphasized talking UP to your child rather than talking down to your child. Also, being mindful of his uniqueness, the child God created him to be, rather than the child you think he should be.
1. Give them safety and security.
2. Give them love.
3. Give them attention.
4. Give them space.
5. Give them an example.
6. Give them direction.
7. Give them boundaries.
8. Give them responsibility (Make sure they are helping out at home. Are you doing everything for them? Do they live in a home or a hotel?)
9. Give them discipline (not punishment, necessarily -- but discipline. See Lesson 3.)
10. Give them Biblical instruction.
Dr. Leman believes that if any one of these is left out of the equation, your child will be incomplete in some way. He says, "If you want your kid to WIN, give them all 10!"
Dr. Leman emphasized talking UP to your child rather than talking down to your child. Also, being mindful of his uniqueness, the child God created him to be, rather than the child you think he should be.
1. Give them safety and security.
2. Give them love.
3. Give them attention.
4. Give them space.
5. Give them an example.
6. Give them direction.
7. Give them boundaries.
8. Give them responsibility (Make sure they are helping out at home. Are you doing everything for them? Do they live in a home or a hotel?)
9. Give them discipline (not punishment, necessarily -- but discipline. See Lesson 3.)
10. Give them Biblical instruction.
Dr. Leman believes that if any one of these is left out of the equation, your child will be incomplete in some way. He says, "If you want your kid to WIN, give them all 10!"
Monday, February 11, 2013
How to Tame a Testy Child -- from NPR
This morning I heard a good story on NPR about dealing with conflict with your kids. The story pertains to teenagers but I found that I can use some of these techniques with my 6 and 9 year old, too.
Sunday, February 10, 2013
Ten Commandments to Guide Parents
Dr. Leman read these 10 Commandments to Guide Parents this morning on the video and I thought they were worth posting:
1.My hands are small; please don’t expect
perfection whenever I make a bed, draw a picture or
throw a ball. My legs are short; please slow down so that I can keep up with
2. My eyes have not seen the world as yours have;
please let me explore safely. Don't restrict me unnecessarily.
3. Housework will always be there. I`m only
little for a short time-please take time to explain things to me about this
wonderful world, and do so willingly.
4. My feelings are tender; please be sensitive to
my needs. Don't nag me all day long. (You wouldn`t want to be nagged for your
inquisitiveness.) Treat me as you would like to be treated.
5. I am a special gift from God; please treasure
me as God intended you to do, holding me accountable for my actions, giving me
guidelines to live by and disciplining me in a loving manner.
6. I need your encouragement to grow. Please go
easy on the criticism; remember, you can criticize the things I do without
criticizing me.
7. Please give me the freedom to make decisions
concerning myself. Permit me to fail, so that I can learn from my mistakes.
Then someday I`ll be prepared to make the kinds of decisions life requires of
8. Please don't do things over for me. Somehow
that makes me feel that my efforts didn`t quite measure up to your
expectations. I know it`s hard, but please don`t try to compare me with my
brother or my sister.
9. Please don't be afraid to leave for a weekend
together. Kids need vacations from parents, just as parents need vacations from
kids. Besides, it`s a great way to show us kids that your marriage is very
10. Please take me to Sunday school and
church regularly, setting a good example for me to follow. I enjoy learning
more about God.
Dr. Kevin Leman
Recap of Session 3: Discipline Isn't Spelled P-U-N-I-S-H-M-E-N-T

Key Scripture: If you refuse to discipline your children, it proves you don't love them; if you love your children, you will be prompt to discipline them." Proverbs 13:24
Key Points:
1. Consider discipline a privilege not a chore. What could be better than having the opportunity to to give your kids direction, teach them a valuable lesson that can help them avoid some long range disaster, or that will contribute to their character development.
2. Keep the highest form of discipline your goal: self-discipline. As soon as possible, encourage them to set their alarm clocks, get up on time, dress themselves, be at the table on time, feed the fish, do their homework, etc... Don't sidetrack them on the road to independence by doing everything for them.
3. Use discipline to enable. Doing too much and giving too much to kids does not enable them, it disables them.
4. Use discipline for correction. With discipline, you emphasize the positive lessons to be learned along with corrective measures to help the child learn, without attacking or belittling them.
Another point that really stuck with me: if my child doesn't feel safe and accepted in our home, they will look for that acceptance in their peer group -- therefore, I must handle discipline in a way that allows my child to feel safe, accepted and loved. Also, families need to have fun!
What did you take away from the lesson? If you use any of these this week, please share!
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