Sunday, February 10, 2013

Recap of Session 3: Discipline Isn't Spelled P-U-N-I-S-H-M-E-N-T

Here are Dr. Leman's key points from Sunday's (2/10) class:

Key Scripture: If you refuse to discipline your children, it proves you don't love them; if you love your children, you will be prompt to discipline them." Proverbs 13:24

Key Points:
1. Consider discipline a privilege not a chore.  What could be better than having the opportunity to to give your kids direction, teach them a valuable lesson that can help them avoid some long range disaster, or that will contribute to their character development.

2. Keep the highest form of discipline your goal: self-discipline. As soon as possible, encourage them to set their alarm clocks, get up on time, dress themselves, be at the table on time, feed the fish, do their homework, etc... Don't sidetrack them on the road to independence by doing everything for them.

3.  Use discipline to enable. Doing too much and giving too much to kids does not enable them, it disables them.

4.  Use discipline for correction. With discipline, you emphasize the positive lessons to be learned along with corrective measures to help the child learn, without attacking or belittling them.

Another point that really stuck with me: if my child doesn't feel safe and accepted in our home, they will look for that acceptance in their peer group -- therefore, I must handle discipline in a way that allows my child to feel safe, accepted and loved.  Also, families need to have fun!

What did you take away from the lesson?  If you use any of these this week, please share!

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