Sunday, February 17, 2013

Recap of Session 1: The Ten Best Gifts You'll Ever Give Your Kids

Key Scripture: Train UP a child in the way HE should go; and when he is old, he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6

Dr. Leman emphasized talking UP to your child rather than talking down to your child.  Also, being mindful of his uniqueness, the child God created him to be, rather than the child you think he should be.

1. Give them safety and security.
2. Give them love.
3. Give them attention.
4. Give them space.
5. Give them an example.
6. Give them direction.
7. Give them boundaries.
8. Give them responsibility (Make sure they are helping out at home.  Are you doing everything for them?  Do they live in a home or a hotel?)
9. Give them discipline (not punishment, necessarily -- but discipline.  See Lesson 3.)
10. Give them Biblical instruction.

Dr. Leman believes that if any one of these is left out of the equation, your child will be incomplete in some way.  He says, "If you want your kid to WIN, give them all 10!"

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